Saturday, August 12,
dozens of Glendale residents visited the locked gate at Grand View Cemetery. They were gathering signatures for a letter to sent to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to voice their interest in re-opening the cemetery for visitors. Meanwhile, the city is working on a plan to limited access. Liability is one of the main problems in working out a solution.
UPDATE AUGUST 24th - Latest report, there is a 99% chance of Grand View Cemetery being open for four hours on Sunday afternoons (12-4pm) starting August 27th. The mausoleums and buildings will be close (so seeing Edna's site is impossible, even with this opening.)
Also, Forrest Lawn sounds like they have no interest in taking over the cemetery because of the poor recordkeeping and no other cemetery operator would either, in their words.
So the future is in question for Grand View. Also, anyone interested in removing a love one from the cemetery, is impossible at this time. Due to no liabiliy insurance on the property, no business of any kind can be done, until an owner is in place.