Just doing some 'web surfing' and ran across these items listed at Christie's in London. The Helmet was most interesting, as it was given to Chaplin during the time of The Liberty Bond tour Charlie Chaplin did during WWI. It says on the back:
In Appreciation Of His Valuable SERVICES In The Liberty Loan Campaign 1918"

The cane and bowler was said to be a gift to the owner of the Henley Private Museum in Auckland, New Zealand. The information said:
"Late in 1938 or early 1939 I wrote to Charlie Chaplin requesting one of his canes and a bowler hat to add to my collection. The bowler hat arrived in a box, the cane was not wrapped but had a label attached addressed to me. Both arrived in 1939..." You can learn more about these (and other items) at these links:
helmet and
Note: For fans who may not know, Liberty Bonds were sold to help fund World War I. Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, and other stars of the day, all did countrywide tours to raise money. As for Edna Purviance, she worked with the America Red Cross in helping raise money. One way was the many dances held by the Red Cross. Some were even held at the apartment building Edna lived in during the time, as a dance floor was part of the full top floor of her building and used for events. More about this will be in the book currently named Purviance.
November 28th, 2008 - Update from Christie's: A Hermes handbag once owned by Oona is now up for auction.
November 20, 2008 - Meridian FM back on airIf you visit often the last few years, you know I have been listening to
Meridian FM each time they come back on air. Well, it is back on air today through December 17th. If you live in their area, do become a supporter, as they are trying to get their broadcasting license to operate year around.
Edna's Eighth Year begins November 25thALSO, November 25th, 2008 is the start of Edna's .org 8th year on the web, so I have a special launch planned.
USA Dollar is strongerWith the US dollar going up in value, it has made it better for customers buying items from the UK and Europe. This summer the exchange was well over $2 to buy one pound, but today, it is closer to $1.50. Of course, the markets have been changing fast, with the pound even lower today, against the dollar, but it does make it better for those overseas purchases.
Thank-you for the nice string of The Sea Gull salesMany thanks to all of you who have purchased
The Sea Gull lately. We have been sending to Asia, Europe, UK and USA locations. We still have some in stock at the $39.95 price, but when the stock runs out, or it is January 2, 2009,
the price will be going up to $49 to cover all the new cost in printing, shipping and packaging. It is either raise the price or stop selling the book. So even though the markets are dropping, the cost of production is not, so just how it is. But if you want it at its lowest price,
now is a good time to buy.
Still watch your TV over air in the US?Don't forget to use your $40 government card to use toward your converter box, if you still get your TV over air. In February, all television signals will be by digital only, so you will need the update. The $40 card expires very SOON! So don't delay.
Follow-up on The DFCI have written about other interest on the blog many times, so this a follow up for our UK readers. I have posted about the
DFC a few months ago. If you are interested in seeing this children's comic book, it will be available for one week only (Nov. 26th-Dec. 2) at your local Tesco store.
(DFC is by subscription only by the web, but they are test marketing for a special time.)
Tesco DFC offer for ChristmasSpecial DFC limited-time offer for Tesco customers: £9.99 for a one month (four issues) subscription.
'Tesco' in the USA November 27th follow-up: I have been learning that some people outside the UK don't know what a Tesco is. Tesco is an UK supermarket. It comes in different sizes from mega stores to Express. Interesting, Tesco has been working on expanding their grocery business in the USA for many years.
Today, Tesco has a series of small (
Trader Joe's size) food stores called
Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Markets.
Fresh & Easy actually has
a store near the Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, close to The Chaplin Studio. The
chain has expanded to several California locations in the Los Angeles area and elsewhere in California, as well into Las Vegas, Nevada and Phoenix, Arizona.
Note: Trader Joe's is having their Silent Movie Mondays again in 2009 in Seattle. More at this
THE DFC - Gift Subscription (available from Amazon UK)The DFC gift subscription is now available from Amazon UK. The one month subscription at £12.00, includes free delivery in the UK with Super Saver delivery.
Check it out>(It does mention about destinations outside the UK. Just see their link for details.)
Update: Sad news about The DFC. The comic publication has been put up for sale by Random House. If not sold by March 27, 2009, the comic will stop publication at issue #43.