We are looking for anyone who may have seen this Charlie Chaplin doll. Charlie is dancing with a lady that could be one of his leading ladies, but with the dark hair under her hat, might represent Georgia Hale. This doll could have been a one of a kind, as the owner has checked many different sources and has come up empty. This Chaplin doll is made out of cloth and with 'straw and sawdust' like stuffing. It is about 16" high with a string attached to the two figures.
You can contact us here or on Edna's site if you can help with information. Thank you...

Update: The Bill Douglas Centre for the History of Cinema and Popular Culture at the University of Exeter in South West England, has a Chaplin doll that appears to be the same Charlie, but without the girl he is dancing with. The Centre's records on this doll. (This doll pictured on Douglas Centre site)
Update: Couple more Chaplin dolls
February 2, 2007 - The Charlie Chaplin Action Figure Doll is the latest doll on the market.
March 12th, 2007 - Here is Bernd Kunze's collection of Chaplin figures and toys.
UPDATE: March 10, 2009 - Here is our latest Charlie Chaplin doll we are researching.
A follow-up on the Chaplin doll.
I have known Peter Jewell for several years and his collection (with Bill Douglas) is the first place where the doll has been seen by the doll's owner.
Found by other lady, The Bill Douglas Collection at University of Exeter has a Chaplin doll that looks to be Charlie 'ready to dance with someone', but has no girl.
LINK to the Douglas collection doll: http://billdouglas.ex.ac.uk/eve/results.asp?item=68315&keywords=chaplin
Just a short note that another owner of one of these dolls has contacted us.
Hi there
I have one of these dolls also: have you any idea how much they are valued at? I would be interested in selling it, but only to a reputable buyer as the doll belonged to my late mother.
Many thanks, Alison.
Hello Julie,
I don't know a reputable buyer for this doll or even the going rate for it. It rarely shows up.
I would hang onto it, and keep checking auctions for items like this. I would also look up and contact auction houses that specialize in such items.
A lot of the price, depends on the demand. Some Chaplin items go higher than others.
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